How to Find the Most Profitable Walmart Products to Sell
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How I Find the MOST PROFITABLE Products to Sell on Walmart Marketplace

If you currently sell on Amazon, and are looking to expand to the Walmart marketplace, you’ve probably noticed that there are nowhere near as many research tools, apps, chrome extensions, or product research softwares to help you find profitable products on Walmart, as there are on Amazon.

That’s simply due to the fact that Amazon’s online platform is much more developed and has allowed 3rd party sellers for many years, whereas Walmart has just opened up the platform over the last few years.

As such, developers have focused on Amazon, however several new tools have been released recently that stand to help level the playing field for product research on Walmart.

Here’s the exact software I use to find the best products to resell on Walmart:

*Use coupon code: MARK50 to get 50% off your first 6 months


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Hey guys, this is Mark from Merchant on the Mark again, and I hope you’re having a great day. In this video, I wanted to share a new tool that I just found out about over the last few months. It’s really made a huge change in my business.

As you know, I sell all my products on multiple platforms, and that’s why I recommend you should do if you’re not already doing that. Our number one sales channel, of course, is Amazon and then our Shopify sites, and very quickly, is becoming a very close third, and I think that will overtake both of those other sites very, very soon. ‘

And the reason is Walmart is investing a significant amount of money and time in building the tools and ecosystem to allow people like us to sell our products on their platform, much like Amazon did so many years ago. It is fairly new. However, there’s a tremendous amount of opportunity over there.

One of the reasons why people haven’t really made the exodus to Walmart currently is because getting onboarded is a little more involved than it is on Amazon. And most importantly, the information and data and tools that have been available to evaluate products just hasn’t been there. So on Amazon, you have tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10 and a vast number of other tools that have been out in the ecosystem for a very long time and have evolved to provide the exact types of information that we’re looking for as sellers.

On Walmart, those tools have not been available. You’d have to just basically go with your gut instinct and look at product selling well on Amazon. Definitely, they’ll probably sell well on Walmart, which has worked. However, if you’re serious about your business, then you will make sure that you’re buying only the most profitable products that you know will sell through, then you’ll definitely want to take a look at this tool and it’s actually a software suite.

And with that, I’m going to go into the computer and I’m going to show you exactly what this tool is, what it does, and this is the first in a series of videos on this tool that I think you’ll find very helpful. So with that, I’ll see you in this computer.

Okay, in this video, I wanted to talk to you about an alternative marketplace that you’ve definitely heard of before and one that I found a lot success with, and that’s not Of course, I sell on, and it’s still the big guy on the block. However, over the years, if you’ve been selling online for any length of time, especially on Amazon, you know that there’s been issues with foreign sellers coming on to the platform and hijacking listings, dropping prices, so profitability has gone down in many cases, competition has gone way up, and they have continued to implement more and more restrictions on sellers. So it’s been more and more difficult to make the same number of sales that you did even two or three years ago.

And so I always think that, especially with my company, Merchant on the Mark, we want to sell everywhere. So whatever products that we have, we try to be multi-channel in all of our approaches. And so on Amazon, one of the huge benefits is that all the tools have been developed around Amazon because they’re the largest marketplace. You’re able to see a lot of competitive data, financial data, marketing data, that kind of thing that will help you better determine whether or not a product is worth going after and selling., however, has come on very strong over the last couple of years, and they have been making strides to get sellers from Amazon to come over to Walmart and sell their products. And the big difference is Walmart has about 10 to 15% of the total number of products that Amazon has. Amazon has around 350 million based on where you read. Walmart has about 10% of that. And then Amazon has over 2 million active sellers, whereas Walmart, nearest I can tell, has definitely under 100,000, and of those, many of those haven’t even uploaded any products.

So the competition’s much lower. The product selection is less, so you have more opportunities to claim those listings on Walmart, and Walmart is really making strides in their backend, the way that their integrations work. Their customer service is, I would say, much better currently than Amazon’s seller support and that you can tell that they just want to actually help you and get things done for you.

So, one thing now I want to have always on Walmart was some sort of tool that works kind of like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 does on Amazon, but on That way, instead of just guessing, we can know more certainly if a product is actually a good seller on Walmart because previously, we basically just assumed that if it sold well on Amazon, it sells well on Walmart.

In most cases, that is true, but we would like to have a lot more finite details and actual data to go off versus just guessing and hoping because when we’re looking at either drop shipping or purchasing wholesale products or adding a private label product on the, we want to make sure that our investment is going to be sound and safe. And so I wanted to share a new tool that’s just come out that provides similar access to data, competitive data that a Jungle Scout or a Helium 10 does on Amazon, and it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.

So it’s the early stages of this product, but the product is called DataSpark. And basically, what DataSpark does is it aggregates data from the Walmart platform and then it overlays that information on your interface through the Chrome browser, so you install a plugin and then you’re able to see a lot more competitive information that before, you weren’t able to see.

So if you go to this URL, and I’ll put it down in the link below this, you can see kind of what this product does, so you can evaluate a product’s potential. You can search for products to see detailed product stats, evaluate demand, competition, and profitability. You can also look through best sellers and do advanced searches to set filters that meet your needs. You can also uncover opportunities for retail arbitrage, so either selling, buying from Walmart and selling on Amazon, or your own website or buying on Amazon and selling on Walmart. It just shows you the differences and prices between the two platforms. It also helps you identify Amazon arbitrage opportunities that I just noted.

And the biggest thing that it does is that it allows you to export the data and be able to filter that down to find the exact products that you’re looking for. So depending on what you’re looking to do, either drop ship, wholesale, purchase wholesale products, or do retail or online arbitrage, Walmart is a tremendous platform. I highly recommend you checking it out.

There is a few more steps in getting set up. They want to basically see that you’re already a successful seller and that you have some products out there. So if you’re a newbie to e-commerce and you haven’t really had a lot of success on a platform like Amazon or eBay or somewhere like that and you don’t have a product catalog that you’ve been selling that you can use in your application to Walmart, sometimes, you might want to wait a little while until you have that because Walmart is going through the applications pretty closely, and they want people who are serious sellers, who have experience, and they’re going to provide the highest levels of customer service to their customers.

So what I’m going to do is develop a separate video on each of these different features, but when you come to the DataSpark website, basically, you can set up a free account, and again, the link will be in the description, but if you want to upgrade, there’s a lot of different features that you get. So you get a lot more tokens, and basically, tokens like in a arcade, the more tokens you have, the more stuff you can do on the platform. The free platform, the free program is kind of basic, and you can do basic things. However, if you’re serious about selling on Walmart, you’ll definitely want to upgrade to a paid plan so that you can take advantage of the full feature set.

So again, here’s the features that you can go through. One thing I really like is this Best Sellers feature where before, you couldn’t really see all the Best Sellers, the exact products that are best sellers in different categories on Walmart, and so what you can do is reverse source. You can basically… let’s say that we want to look at Sports and Outdoors, and what it will do is go out and for the entire category, it will bring back, I think, it’s the top 1,000 best selling products, and then you can go through this and export it and then filter out the types of products that you’re looking for and then go to try to source those products externally at a price that allows you to still make a profit on Walmart, and you can either ship that from your own location or through your prep center or even through Walmart Fulfillment Services, which is a whole different aspect of their business, and it’s similar to Amazon FBA.

And so this is one of the absolute best ways to find profitable products. You don’t even have to guess. You know that they’re saying their current rank in Sports and Outdoors, this is the number one product. This is the number two. And if you go over here, let’s see if we can go down and scroll a little bit. It doesn’t allow you to scroll over yet, but you’ll be able to see sales data revenue.

You can see the trend over time. So if it’s shot up in the last 30 days or last 90 days, you can see the number of competing sellers. You can see the percentage of time that Walmart has been on the listing. And so again, these will be all things that we cover in the next few videos, but DataSpark is a tool. It’s in beta right now, but it provides a lot of the information that you just really can’t get on any other tool that I’ve seen.

And so if you’re serious about expanding your online business and selling on multiple platforms, I would say after Amazon, Walmart is absolutely the second place that you should be looking at. They have a tremendous amount of customers that come through every single day. And especially for fourth quarter, they sell a lot of stuff, so definitely check that out. I’ll leave a link down in the description, and again, if you go through that link, you’ll get 50% off your first six months, and I think you’ll really like it.

So with that, I’ll wrap this video up. And again, if you like this video, Like it and subscribe to the channel, if you’d like to do that too, okay? Thanks so much. This is Mark with Merchant on the Mark, and I’ll see you on the next one.

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